Hunting cartridge 7.62×39 with expanding HP bullet | JSC “UCW”
Logo JSC „Ulyanovsk Cartridge Works” (JSC „UCW”)The Ulyanovsk Cartridge Works

7,62х39 HP

The 7,62x39 hunting cartridge with expanding HP bullet is used for shooting with the rifled weapons for commercial and sporting hunting of medium-sized animals weighing more than 50 kg at the range up to 300m.

The cartridge keeps its properties under different climatic and weather conditions regardless of the season and at temperatures from -50 to +50°С.

Bullet material:

  • lead core
  • bimetal ora brass jacket

Steel case with protective and decorative polymer coating.

Sealing of primer and case upon the customer’s request.

Warranty shelf life:

  • 5 years after manufacture;
  • of cartridges in metal box – up to 10 years after manufacture

Technical specifications

Jacket materialbimetal or brass
Weight, gram (grain)8,04 (124)
Ballistic coefficient (G1)0,263
Muzzle velocity V 0, m/s (ft/s), no less727 (2385)


Maximum weight, gram (grain)17,2 (265)
Extreme spread, cm (inch) at the range of 100 m (109,36 yards), no more12 (4,72)
Maximum chamber pressure, average value, bar (psi), no more3550 (51488)
Maximum chamber pressure, maximum value, bar (psi), no more4083 (59218)
Bullet velocity V25, m/s (ft/s), no less710 (2329)
Jacket materialbimetal
Weight, gram (grain)7,95 (122)
Ballistic coefficient (G1)0,257
Muzzle velocity V 0, m/s (ft/s), no less727 (2385)


Maximum weight, gram (grain)17,2 (265)
Extreme spread, cm (inch) at the range of 100 m (109,36 yards), no more12 (4,72)
Maximum chamber pressure, average value, bar (psi), no more3550 (51488)
Maximum chamber pressure, maximum value, bar (psi), no more4083 (59218)
Bullet velocity V25, m/s (ft/s), no less710 (2329)
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