Hunting cartridge .308 Win (7,62×51) | JSC “UCW”
Logo JSC „Ulyanovsk Cartridge Works” (JSC „UCW”)The Ulyanovsk Cartridge Works

.308 Winchester

The .308 Win (7,62x51) hunting cartridge is used in sporting and hunting weapons.

Bullet material:

  • lead core
  • brass jacket

Brass case.

Sealing of primer and case upon the customer’s request.

Warranty shelf life:

  • 5 years after manufacture;
  • of cartridges in metal box – up to 10 years after manufacture

Meets C.I.P.

Technical specifications

178 GR. FMJ RAPIRA bullet

Jacket materialbrass
Weight, gram (grain)11,53 (178)
Ballistic coefficient (G1)0,496
Ballistic coefficient (G7)0,252
Muzzle velocity V 0, m/s (ft/s), no less768 (2519)


Maximum weight, gram (grain)28,40 (438)
Maximum chamber pressure, average value, bar (psi), no more4150 (60190)
Maximum chamber pressure, maximum value, bar (psi), no more4773 (69226)
Bullet velocity V25, m/s (ft/s), no less750 (2460)
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